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4 Questions to ask before you purchase Managed IT services for your healthcare practice

A Managed IT Services provider (MSP) performs a defined set of IT tasks for a healthcare organization. The IT company is responsible for computer maintenance, smooth functioning of the network, procurement of digital devices, network infrastructure maintenance, remote and on-site support, IT security, and resolving multiple IT-related issues for the company.

Why does a healthcare company need Managed IT services?

A healthcare organization has multiple options to address their IT needs and support. They can create their own in-house IT department to support and provide the IT services they need. Hiring experienced IT professionals is a difficult task and the cost is significant due to training and the high salaries demanded of experienced professionals. When vacation requests, medical leave, employee attrition and the great resignation trend are factored in, you’ve created a whole set of new issues to deal with. This may be a practical step for large companies, but the small and medium businesses should weigh the pros and cons of an in-house IT department vs. Managed IT services.

A managed IT services company for healthcare such as Digicom views itself as partner of healthcare companies rather than a third-party vendor. We are involved in the day-to-day IT functions of our partner’s healthcare company, 24/7 availability, remote and on-site support, Procurement of computers, networking equipment, printers, medical devices, cybersecurity, HIPAA compliance, and support via call and email are some of the major services that are enjoyed by our healthcare partners and the icing on the top is the cost-effectiveness compared to hiring an in-house IT professional. Our healthcare partners get support from our IT technicians, Network Engineers, system engineers, security consultants, and on-site technicians and it is still a bargain deal compared with the in-house IT costs.

What does managed IT services Include?

Managed IT services companies provide a number of well-defined IT services. Digicom provides a complete set of IT services including third-party vendor management and logistics tracking without taking any cuts or commission from the third-party vendors which isn’t the norm in the IT services industry.

Some of the most commonly managed IT services are:

  • Remote and On-Site IT support
  • Monitoring and maintenance of network and systems
  • Network security
  • Encrypted email
  • Procurement of IT and network devices
  • End user Management
  • EHR software support
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Logistics Management of IT equipment
  • Documentation and Reporting

Why should you consider a Healthcare MSP for your practice?

There are many MSPs that are general in focus and do not specialize in healthcare IT. Heathcare technology is unique and requires unique knowledge. Digicom brings the knowledge required to provide the level of support required to meet the demanding needs of healthcare practices.

What you should look for when you are in the market for a healthcare MSP:

Experience & Longevity: Consider their experience in providing healthcare IT services and consulting with practices similar to yours.

HIPAA Compliance: Are they aware of HIPAA compliance requirements and know how to maintain compliance in a medical technology environment?

Quality of Support: Check to confirm the MSP you are considering has a good reputation with their clients. Digicom has a 98+% customer satisfaction score.

What are the hidden dangers of having suboptimal IT support in your healthcare practice?

Unpleasant patient experience at your clinic: Imagine a patient waiting an extended period of time to get some information from your staff. The staff members are trying their best but your EHR application is so slow that every time they click on a new tab or window, it takes a very long time to get information. Frustrated patients often leave bad google/yelp reviews that can harm the reputation of your practice. Efficient IT infrastructure not only saves time but also provides a satisfying experience for your staff and patients.

Employee attrition: No one likes to work on a slow computer or a computer that is behaving erratically. Your employees’ troubleshooting efforts often do not bring results if your systems are old or poorly maintained. This creates an atmosphere that does not instill confidence in the employees and they may question management policies and decisions. Employees always prefer the smooth functioning of systems and equipment, and employers must provide that to ensure satisfaction.

Security management: While the Internet is essential to run any business these days, there are bad actors whose mission is to hack computer systems and exploit patient data. Hacker attacks may result in files held for ransom, or they may simply use company computers to launch attacks on other businesses. Some threats are minor but the others may ruin your brand image, reduce revenue, and cause you and your team significant stress. To protect your practice, have an experienced healthcare IT services provider manage your systems instead. MSPs already have proven security policies that help to prevent security disasters and hacking. The peace of mind alone is worth having a healthcare MSP specialist serve as your IT partner.

The Digicom team has always believed that quality service, knowledge, integrity, and kindness are key in supporting our clients well. With DHS, you don’t have to think about IT infrastructure and maintenance because we understand your needs and we care. Our high customer satisfaction scores and positive reviews are a testament to our exceptional IT support.

If you are interested in knowing more, click here to get a free IT consultation from one of our experts.

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