Schedule your discovery session
Let’s start the conversation — no obligation, no cost
You do the talking and we listen.
Tell us — how is your business being impacted by technology? How could it be better? What’s working? What’s missing? But don’t worry, we don’t expect you to know exactly what’s going wrong with your technology. Like any good advisor, we’ll know which questions to ask to get to the root of the issues, even if you don’t fully understand them yourself.
This is the fastest way to get you back to focusing on your business, with IT in the background, supporting your employees and processes and keeping you secure. IT, working for you.
Not ready for the discovery session? Reach out to us with questions and we’ll be happy to answer.
What’s it like to partner with DTS?
Discovery session
30-minute phone call
You’ll tell a DTS engineer (not a sales rep) about your organization’s current outcomes, pain points, and business goals. They’ll take what they hear back to our team and we’ll develop a strategy.
Strategy session
30-minute video conference
The follow-up meeting is where you’ll hear our ideas for improving your business outcomes through IT. And a promise: All jargon gets backed up with real-world examples!
Technology assessment
30-minute phone call
Your software and hardware get a thorough examination by our engineers, showing us (and you) what's working and what's not and providing a roadmap for moving in the right direction.
Solution presentation
1-hour video conference
We report our findings and present a custom solution designed to address your specific needs and goals. DTS leadership are present to answer any questions.
Let's get the conversation started.
Book your free consultation and let us know about your current challenges and goals.
We can suggest the support plan that best addresses your challenges and puts you on the road to success.