IT Strategy Consulting Services

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Start getting value from your IT

In business, you plan carefully to ensure the best outcomes. The same holds for your IT strategy. The health of your IT is critical to the health of your business, but a poorly planned IT roadmap can waste your resources and slow your growth.

Deploying new technology quickly without thorough testing and evaluation can be a recipe for disaster. We’ve spent years refining our technology solution sets and deployment processes. When you rely on us for IT strategy, you can be confident we’ve done our due diligence to provide solutions that improve the productivity and security of your operations.

Benefits of DTS’s IT strategy consulting services:


DTS consultants leverage two decades of experience to deliver guidance on selecting the technology products that bring value to your organization.

Your ROI

Your strategy will target sustainable growth and prioritize your long-term objectives over quick, temporary solutions.

Tailored strategy

Rather than an off-the-shelf approach, your plan is meticulously customized to align with your specific needs and goals.


You receive regular comprehensive reports providing insights into the performance of your technology infrastructure at all times.


IT consulting is integrated into your ProActive Care™ managed services plan, requiring no additional expenditure.

The client’s voice

“Technical issues are something we just don't have time to deal with.”

DTS built us a nice network several years ago, everything streamlined and synced together, allowing us to work efficiently. We’ve been really happy over the years. We know people that have ongoing technical issues in their offices, but we just don’t.

Samuel Thacher

Team Dentist, San Francisco Giants
Owner, Modern Dentistry
San Francisco

How can DTS IT strategy consulting services help?

Network assessments

We start with a careful examination of your current IT — your computers, servers, devices, software, security posture, and more. This is essential for the next step of designing a network that solves your problems and meets your goals. The results are presented in a report, and if required, include recommendations on changes or improvements needed to enhance your network performance and security.

vCIO services and technology reviews

You’ll be assigned a vCIO (virtual Chief Information Officer) to ensure your IT strategy is implemented effectively. Your vCIO will work with you to critically assess your progress in aligning your technology with a roadmap that best meets your business objectives and goals.

During quarterly meetings, you’ll be asked to provide feedback about our service. Is our communication with your staff effective? How are our response times? Is there anything we can do to make your experience better? We’ll also discuss: 

Best practices and optimization

Unfortunately, our industry is plagued by substandard IT, including poorly designed and configured networks. Not only does this hamper performance but it also creates serious security vulnerabilities. Downtime, slowness/freezing, failed backups, malware, and data breaches are the all-too-common results of poor IT decision-making.

We simply will not settle for bad IT. Instead, we adhere to a clearly defined set of best practices and SOPs that allow us to achieve consistent results, project after project. And we continually make optimizations as advancements become available. 

Network and system design

DTS takes great care during the design process to ensure the networks and systems we build meet your specific needs and perform at their best. We take application, bandwidth, security, connectivity, and other requirements into account so systems function correctly and perform as intended.

To achieve quality designs and excellent performance, DTS utilizes the PPDIOO methodology established by Cisco, one of our network partners:

The benefits of the PPDIOO model include reduced costs, improved reliability, increased network performance, and better access to applications. This approach is particularly beneficial when integrating multiple sites into a single cohesive network.

Regulatory compliance

You can rely on DTS for assistance with meeting your regulatory obligations such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX, and others through:

The DTS Project Framework delivers the high-quality results you deserve.

Best practices are not built overnight.

Our know-how is the result of years of practice and continual refinement. Each time we execute a project, we spend considerable time evaluating the outcome and learning how we can improve. We then update the documentation for our DTS Project Framework, which our technicians and engineers rely on to achieve the high-quality results our clients deserve.

Why Choose DTS?

Relying on professionals to guide your IT strategy means you can be sure your interests are protected and your budgets are well spent.

Our team’s been providing IT strategy consulting services since 2008, and we’ll help you make the right choices for organization. And our customer satisfaction scores are steady at 98%+.  

You can leverage our expertise to fill the capabilities you need but can’t afford. Our IT consulting and project management services are scalable and deliver everything you need to make technology work for you. 

Take the next step to learn more about how our IT strategy consulting services can help.

IT experts with nationwide reach

Since 2008, DTS has been providing IT strategy consulting services for small and medium-sized organizations across the lower 48 states from our base in the Bay Area. 

Wherever you are and whatever your goals, contact us today to join our growing list of satisfied clients.

Finding IT strategy consulting services just became easier:

1. Contact

Book a free discovery call to share your situation and clarify your options.

2. Assessment

Receive your personalized IT assessment and strategy.

3. Solution

Watch your new vCIO upgrade your productivity and security.

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